Busty Blondie

Busty Blondie

All her life, Cameron Vaughn was the girl who did everything right. She
was a high school cheerleader, got straight-As, made her parents proud,
never talked back to teachers, volunteered for charitable causes, never
drank, smoked or did drugs. When she finally did get her cherry popped, it
was by her high school sweetheart. They got married four years later after a six-year courtship. And they went off to live their fairy tale life, happily ever after. Ken and Barbie. Mr. and Mrs. Perfect.

Except it so rarely works out that way in real life. Yeah, Cameron and
her husband stayed married. For 22 years. He got a good job in the city, the city being San Francisco, California. She was the model wife, the trophy wife, giving him two great kids and keeping her body in mint condition all the while. But it wasn't perfect. Because while she was being faithful, he was fucking hookers all over town.

So Cameron decided to get divorced. And that's when her life really

"I'm 45 years old, I've been playing the part of Little Miss Perfect for most of my life and I'm tired of it," she said. "If I want to fuck a guy, I'll fuck him. For the first 45 years, I had one man: my husband. Over the past three years, I¹ve had about 50. Oh, sure, I¹m still a good mother to my children, and I think I'm a good person, but why isn't it possible to be a good person and a slut at the same time? I¹m proving that it is!"

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Featuring: Cameron V
Date: August 13th, 2009
Photos: 67

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Member Comments

7 years ago 

Wow, she's got a real sexy, pixie thing going on. Very hot. Spread those cheeks and lick that sweet fairy asshole.

8 years ago 

I'd Fuck Her Silly

9 years ago 

I would blow the biggest load in her!

13 years ago 

i would love her do video in anal please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she is abslotuting hot as beautiful as ever she will be..please bring her back for more....

14 years ago 

Why would anyone with a wife as beautiful as this want anything else, his lose our gain. Cameron should do a video, whether it is solo or with a guy. It would be wonderful to see this beautiful, sexy woman in real action. I'm sure no one would be disappointed, including her.

14 years ago 

nice rack love to suck em all night

14 years ago 

are we never to see her in action??

14 years ago 

Any kind of vid please shes really hot

14 years ago 

Please on video, and hard as nails.

14 years ago 

Beautiful. Please...........on Video. We need her

14 years ago 

mmmh....she is so hot!!

14 years ago 

Wow, she is really a beauty. I hope i can see more of here in the future.

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