Big-assed Lady Truck Driver Loves Gang Bangs

Big-assed Lady Truck Driver Loves Gang Bangs

Jemini wants to know, "Are you man enough for me?" And not just man enough to handle her 46-inch ass, which is a lot of cushion for the push-in. Man enough to handle a woman who's into gang bangs and sex in public places. Man enough for a woman who drives a truck for a living and can handle a big rig.

"Now that I've done my first porn scene, I've had most of my fantasies fulfilled," Jemini said. Most but not all. "I still want to become a member of the Mile-High Club." Can you imagine banging that big ass in an airplane lavatory?

Jemini was born in Colorado and lives in Texas. She had her first gang bang at a swingers party in Kansas City. She's had many more since then. Yes, she has had sex in the cab of her truck. Yes, she is happily married. And although she has a lot of sex, she usually waits for the guy to make the first move.

"Of course, I send out signals, but it usually doesn't take the guy long to make his move," she said. "I don't dress in slutty clothes. I'm a jeans and T-shirts girl. But I seem to have a sexual aura about me."

She's a lotta woman. Can you handle her?

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Featuring: Jemini Jordan
Date: January 28th, 2013
Photos: 57

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Member Comments

5 years ago 

I love how she just looks like a normal mom next door. Her curves are so sexy, the things I would do to that juicy ass.

7 years ago 

Is SOOO time to bring her back!

12 years ago 

Jemini Jordan really does it for me. Her thighs and ass are incredible and everything about her is thick from her body to her hair. I'm so happy you brought her back with a solo set.

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